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World Of Seeds - Appalachian Kush (fem.)


World Of Seeds - Appalachian Kush (fem.) 09663
World Of Seeds
Price : 84 EURIn stock

Appalachian Kush

Appalachian Kush, a variety that evokes the majesty of the mountains and the richness of its lineage. Its name transports us to the mountainous regions of the eastern United States, where nature rises in all its splendor. Here, Appalachian Kush finds its home and inspiration. This strain is the result of an intriguing cross between two cannabis legends: the American Green Krack and the Three Dawg. Your lineage is like a genetic map that connects traditions and experiences.

Appalachian Kush is a medium-sized plant with a predominantly sativa structure. Its deep dark green leaves extend towards the sky. The long, dense buds take on the characteristic Sativa shape and are covered with a shiny resin on both sides of the flowers. During the flowering phase, Appalachian flowers display a symphony of complex aromas. Imagine the sweet perfume of ripe mango, moist earth and a hint of old school Haze nostalgia. These nuances intertwine in a sensory dance that fills the grow room.

Appalachian Kush is not far behind in power. After the first inhalations, the eyelids relax and a smile appears on the face. But there's more: as users adapt to its disorienting effects, sensory perception becomes more acute. The sights and sounds take on new dimensions, as if the mountain itself were whispering secrets to them. In short, Appalachian Kush is a cannabis gem that combines the ancient with the contemporary. If you ever have the opportunity to grow or enjoy it, prepare for a sensory journey worthy of the heights of the mountains.

Genotype60% Sativa - 40% Indica
Maturation(Interior)60 days
FlavorEarth, Haze, Mango, Ripe Fruits
Way of croppingInd/Out
Production600 g/m2 Indoor | +1000 g/pl Outdoor
OdorVery High
Resistance to moldVery high
Pest resistanceVery high
LineageGreen Crack x Tres Dawg
BHO Performance25%
Medicinal ValueVery high
Бренд:World Of Seeds
Количество семян в упаковке
3 fem. (0)
7 fem. (0)
12 fem. (0)

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