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Silent Seeds (ex Dinafem) - Critical Jack (fem.)


Silent Seeds (ex Dinafem) - Critical Jack (fem.) 08439
Silent Seeds (ex Dinafem)
Price : 23 EURIn stock

Critical Jack

Critical Jack is a premium feminised, Sativa-dominant collector cannabis seed. Synonymous with high productivity, genetic stability and vigour, the level of quality has been widely demonstrated for many years. The genetic lineage of this exceptional cannabis plant speaks for itself, as she is the worthy heir to legendary strains such as Jack Herer and Critical+. In addition, she shows a great deal of resilience. Growers from all over the world have had great results in different climates.

Structural development:

Critical Jack is a cannabis variety that produces plants with the following characteristics: - large size; - an open structure; - allows good light to enter; - allows good aeration during flowering. Her leaves are quite large, with long, thin leaflets. Like her ancestors, her strong vigour and stability reflect the noble genetic line to which she belongs (Skunk#1, Northern Lights and Haze). By growing Critical Jack collection cannabis seeds, you have the opportunity to obtain very productive plants, capable of offering you a generous harvest whose premium quality level is far above many of today's varieties. Critical Jack is a cannabis plant that will remain a true "cannabic reference" of the feminised dynamics of the last decade.


Critical Jack is a cannabis hybrid that guarantees both the passionate grower and the legal producer a very large crop. She is characterised by large, heavy, compact flowers whose homogeneity and quality will certainly surprise the most demanding of you! Critical Jack is a resin-producing strain, with a thick layer of trichomes on the tips of the small leaves. Indoors, a crop of Critical Jack collection cannabis seed will yield up to 625 g/m2 and at least 1200 g/plant outdoors. Reliability and quality are our priority...

Aromas and flavours:

Critical Jack is a cannabis cultivar that subtly combines the contrasting and complementary flavour trends of Jack Herer and C+. As a result, she has the fine, subtle complexity of the Haze lineage, with notes of cedar, incense, pine and spice, which blend delicately with the intense, fresh citrus influence of Critical +. An explosive and long-lasting fusion of flavours.


The Critical Jack collection cannabis seeds will leave you with a pleasant and emotional high. The Sativa influence of Jack Herer provides a powerful, long-lasting energizing effect. You will certainly feel a slightly psychedelic rush, specific to the Haze lineage. Critical Jack is a collectible cannabis seed that produces more mental than physical sensations (60% Sativa). She is an ideal cannabis cultivar to have a good time when you feel like it.

Growing tips:

Critical Jack is a cannabis strain that should be limited to a 3-week indoor growing period, as it stretches heavily during the "stretch" (which lasts 10-15 days when the photoperiod changes to 12/12h for flowering). During cultivation, Critical Jack collection cannabis seeds need slightly more fertilisation than normal. Nevertheless, the level of cultivation is accessible to most people. We strongly recommend using methods such as SOG (Sea Of Green) or SCROG (Screen Of Green), which allow for optimal production in a confined environment. Outdoors, the Critical Jack cannabis plant is a versatile all-terrain option, with good resistance to attacks from pests and pathogens.

Бренд:Silent Seeds
Соотношение Indica / Sativa:40% Indica / 60% Sativa
Генетика:Critical + X Jack Herer
Период цветения при искусственном выращивании под лампами (indoor):60 дней
Период сбора урожая при выращивании на открытом воздухе под солнцем (outdoor):поздний Сентябрь - середина Октября
Высота при уличном выращивании (см.):3 метра
Урожайность Indoor:625 грамм с квадратного метра при лампах HPS 600W
Урожайность Outdoor:1200 грамм с куста
Выращивание:Indoor, Outdoor
Количество семян в упаковке
3 fem. (0)
5 fem. (0)
10 fem. (0)
Silent Seeds (ex Dinafem) - Critical Jack (fem.)

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