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Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)


Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.) 08394
Price : 50.75 EURIn stock

Jack Herer FAST

Jack Herer FAST does the seemingly impossible, actually improving on the original and famous Jack Herer strain by making it faster-maturing. Already a winner of multiple awards, this fast version is sure to make it even more popular.

How Jack Herer FAST grows:

This new version will produce enticingly aromatic buds that are greasy with high-THC resin-bearing trichomes, in shorter flowering times. Plants will grow to a height of 80 - 120 cm. and yield about 400 gr/m2 indoors under lights in 6 - 7 weeks. It will also do well outdoors and in greenhouses, being ready to harvest in September before the inclement weather arrives. Jack Herer FAST wants for nothing in comparison with its longer-maturing sister.

Jack Herer FAST Taste, Smell and Effect:

Jack Herer FAST maintains the sweet peppery taste and high-potency of the Sensi Seeds' strain that was named in tribute to the cannabis activist and polemicist Jack Herer, who authored the breakthrough pro-cannabis book The Emperor Wears No Clothes. 

Период цветения:6-7 недель
Соотношение Indica / Sativa:Гибрид Indica и Sativa
Генетика:Jack Herer x Fast
Высота:80-120 см.
Сбор урожая (outdoor):Сентябрь
Урожайность Indoor:400 грамм/м2
Выращивание:Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse
Количество семян в упаковке
1 fem. (0)
3 fem. (0)
5 fem. (0)
10 fem. (0)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)
Seedsman - Jack Herer FAST (fem.)

Делаем людей счастливее. С 2011 г.

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