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Seedsman - CBDV 1:1 Auto (auto/fem.)


Seedsman - CBDV 1:1 Auto (auto/fem.) 08383
Price : 87.98 EURIn stock

CBDV 1:1 Auto

Seedsman CBDV:CBD 1:1 Auto Feminised is a novel cannabinoid strain that has elevated levels of CBDV and CBD with correspondingly low amounts of THC. CBDV (Cannabidivarin) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid mainly found in cannabis indica landraces and low-THC strains, that has shown some promising medicinal uses.

GW Pharmaceuticals is currently working on a CBDV-based drug (GPW42006) designed to either reduce or prevent seizures including epilepsy. Seedsman CBDV 1:1 Auto, a strain with a relatively short life-cycle, is 75% sativa and 25% indica.

These plants are suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments; indoors plants are ready for harvest after 9 - 10 weeks while outdoors such a short life-cycle provides the opportunity to raise more than one crop per year in lower latitudes. Growers can expect some very generous yields for their medicine cabinet.

The scent of these dried flowers is very fresh, reminiscent of pine and tree resin (balsam). CBDV and CBD levels far exceed that of THC, and other cannabinoids, being present in the ratio of approximately 1:1 (CBDV:CBD). The effect that this combination produces is incredibly calming, soothing and non-psychoactive making it a perfect strain for relaxing the mind as well as the body and should prove very useful for medical cannabis patients. THC is less than 0.3%

Автоцветущие феминизированные:auto/fem.
Период цветения:63-70 дней от семени
Соотношение Indica / Sativa:Преобладает Sativa
Генетика:Solo CBD x Asian CBDV strain
Эффект:Телесный, успокаивающий, осознанный, расслабляющий
Выращивание:Indoor, Outdoor
Букет ароматов:Сосновый
Количество семян в упаковке
1 fem. (0)
3 fem. (0)
5 fem. (0)
10 fem. (0)
Seedsman - CBDV 1:1 Auto (auto/fem.)
Seedsman - CBDV 1:1 Auto (auto/fem.)
Seedsman - CBDV 1:1 Auto (auto/fem.)

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