Blueberry was created by Canadian DJ Short and dates back to the 1970s. It is a 3-way Indica-dominant hybrid cross of an Afghani strain together with Thai and a Purple Thai.
When grown in good conditions it can grow into a fairly large plant displaying a range of red, purple, and blue tones, producing very good yields.
Unsurprisingly, when fully cured, Blueberry has an incredibly fruity perfume along with the unmistakable sweet taste of blueberries. The effect is a very potent yet happy one, which is euphoric yet relaxing and enduring. Another quality of Blueberry is that, although taking a while to cure out, when correctly prepared and packaged, it has a long shelf-life compared with many strains available today.
10.00 - 14.00
16.00 - 20.00
Выходные: суббота, воскресенье