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Perfect Tree Seeds - Backyard Banana (reg.)


Perfect Tree Seeds - Backyard Banana (reg.) 09756
Perfect Tree Seeds
Price : 170 EURIn stock

Backyard Banana

The Backyard Banana by Perfect Tree is our first collaboration with our good friend Tricoma Gold Genetics, a Spanish-based breeder known for creating The Backyard Candies strain which has made waves and is a firm favourite in the Backyard BCN social club.

Trichoma Gold Genetics brought their breeders cut to the Perfect Tree team and pollinated it with their killer Banana Punch stud to create this new killer hybrid for 2024.

Backyard Banana brings through those complex fruity flavours found in the Backyard Candies mother, its difficult to describe the blend and it smells like a blend of tropical fruits blended with exotic banana terpenes.

The trichome glands on the Backyard Banana are stellar, and they produce in abundance- making it a stellar candidate for washing. One of the main goals of this cross was to encourage resin production as both breeders of this strain are big fans of hash and consider themselves enthusiasts.

In terms of its cultivation Backyard Banana can grow quite tall and it will also stretch significantly, so be mindful of this when you switch it to bloom.

A fast-flowering strain that will be ready in 8 weeks, the Backyard Banana will also be a heavy-yielding cultivar if she is cultivated correctly.

Бренд:Perfect Tree Seeds
Период цветения:8 недель
Соотношение Indica / Sativa:преобладает Indica
Генетика:The Backyard Candies x Banana Punch
Букет ароматов:Тропические фрукты, жареные бананы
Количество семян в упаковке
12 reg. (0)

Делаем людей счастливее. С 2011 г.

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