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Night Owl Seeds - Mango Isle F2 Auto (auto/fem.)


Night Owl Seeds - Mango Isle F2 Auto (auto/fem.) 08967
Night Owl Seeds
Price : 99 EUR

Mango Isle F2 Auto

It is a strain Night Owl Seeds had to go back and revisit for all the Sativa Auto enthusiasts out there! Much like the F1s, these are super easygoing plants with significant side branching & great yielding elongated colas of a true Sativa hybrid. Mango Isle F2 progeny express a wide range of notes compared to the F1, ranging from fresh watermelon & strawberry bliss to citrus, mango, and papaya. It's also possible you find your crazy unique outlier amongst these offspring. The tropical hybrid will teleport you to a gorgeous sunny day on a tropical beach far away, providing an uplifting, motivating, and clear-headed variety.

The Mango Isle F2 Auto by Night Owl Seeds has stunning bag appeal, with her ZaMango sister producing a more exotic, landrace-influenced structure.

Like most Sativa dominant plants, Mango Isle F2 Auto by Night Owl Seeds ideally needs ample space & light; she can easily produce above-average yields when done right!

Бренд:Night Owl Seeds
Автоцветущие феминизированные:auto/fem.
Период цветения:75-85 дней от семени
Соотношение Indica / Sativa:25% Indica / 75% Sativa
Генетика:(Mango Smile x Zamaldelica Express) X (Mango Smile x Zamaldelica Express)
Количество семян у упаковке
3 fem. (0)
Night Owl Seeds - Mango Isle F2 Auto (auto/fem.)

Делаем людей счастливее. С 2011 г.

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