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Mr. Nice Seeds - NL5 x Afghan (reg.)


Mr. Nice Seeds - NL5 x Afghan (reg.) 08779
Mr. Nice
Price : 70 EURIn stock

NL5 x Afghan

When people/growers and medical patients ask for a strain to incorporate flavor and effect then it is always a recommendation. The strength of combining different land races of Afghanistan into a plant leads to strong flavors and fruitiness fast flowering compact plants. This would be one of the most reliable plant strains for effect, time and time again... The plant can be susceptible to molding if the humidity is high during flowering, so be ready to harvest on the first signs of problems with molding.

Heritage:NL5 x Afghan
Category:The Naturals - Old school genetics
Family of breed:75% Afghan, 25% Skunk
Breeder:Nevil and Shantibaba
Preferred medium:Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse
Expected yield:Due to its Afghan origins and the particular parent plants one would expect between 500-750 grams per square meter
Flowering period:Indoor flowering usually takes between 7-9 weeks depending upon how the plant is grown. Outdoors we expect it to be completed in October(mid) Northern Hemisphere or March/April(southern Hemisphere).
Recommendations:For the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Especially for greenhouse growers worldwide or short outdoor seasons.
Special Notes:Again, true pedigree lines make this a special hybrid and one that makes mouths water from the scents and aromas it possesses and unleashes on completion of flowering.
Бренд:Mr. Nice Seeds
Количество семян в упаковке
15 reg. (0)
Mr. Nice Seeds - NL5 x Afghan (reg.)
Mr. Nice Seeds - NL5 x Afghan (reg.)
Mr. Nice Seeds - NL5 x Afghan (reg.)

Делаем людей счастливее. С 2011 г.

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10.00 - 14.00

16.00 - 20.00

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