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Mephisto Genetics - Orange Biscuits (auto/fem.)


Mephisto Genetics - Orange Biscuits (auto/fem.) 09278
Mephisto Genetics
Price : 55 EURIn stock

Orange Biscuits

  • Genetic Heritage: Forum Stomper x Orange Diesel
  • Seed Type: F3 Feminised Automatic
  • Indica/Sativa: 40/60
  • Cycle Time: 70 to 80 days from sprout

It’s hard to get much further apart in terms of lineage in our big Mephisto family than with Forum Stomper and Orange Diesel, but combining them has proved a masterstroke, creating what we can only describe as a diesel jaffa cake, heavy on the jaffa. Originally Illuminauto #35, what we wanted to achieve with Orange Biscuits is exactly what we ended up getting; expanding the variety and availability of the relative rarity of Orange Diesel, whilst using the ever-present and strong lineage of Forum Stomper to do so. Forum Stomper has become such a star at the farm, we’ve almost got past the stage of recognising how truly extraordinary she is. Like watching Lionel Messi or Tom Brady every week, their exceptional quality somehow just becomes the norm until they do something that is special even for them, combining her with Orange Diesel has made Orange Biscuits our Lionel Messi hat-trick in El Clásico.

Strain behaviour and structure:

With positive traits from both parents, the lovely tight bud structure from Orange Diesel and the oodles of sticky frost from our Forum Stomper, Orange Biscuits is a match made in Zion. She grows easily, almost Bane-like resistance levels. The other element with levels to keep in mind is the odour, she’s a straight up carbon filter killah queen; dynamite, no laser beam but still guaranteed to blow your mind. She’s another strain from this limited release that likes to peacock during her fade, displaying a variety of beautiful colours, all the way to hot pink. Just a quick word to the wise, this ain’t the strain to sleep on.

In the weeds.

  • Size: 60 to 90 cm.
  • Yield: 75 to 125 grams.
  • Aroma and Flavour: Smells like orange chantilly cream. Like a classic Licor 43 & orange juice.
  • Effect: Happy head high, zippy, uplifting & giggly.
  • Extract: Terpinator. T-800 of the terp world. Greasier than John Travolta.
  • Cannabinoids: TBA.
  • Medicinal Effect: Good for treating stress & depression. Mood enhancer.
Бренд:Mephisto Genetics
Автоцветущие феминизированные:auto/fem.
Количество семян в упаковке
3 fem. (0)
Mephisto Genetics - Orange Biscuits (auto/fem.)
Mephisto Genetics - Orange Biscuits (auto/fem.)
Mephisto Genetics - Orange Biscuits (auto/fem.)

Делаем людей счастливее. С 2011 г.

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