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Compound Genetics - Marshmallow OG (fem.)


Compound Genetics - Marshmallow OG (fem.) 09122
Compound Genetics
Price : 125 EUR

Marshmallow OG

Marshmallow OG by Compound Genetics is a fusion of some of the biggest heavy-weight, elite cannabis strains in the history of hall of fame cannabis strains. The Jet Fuel Gelato is the mother of the Marshmallow OG and is a new school variety bred by Compound Genetics. The Jet Fuel Gelato mother is a carefully bred hybrid that crosses Jet Fuel G6 with High Octane & Gelato 45; she is a true pillar of the Compound Genetic library, having been used to mother countless elite genetics. The pollinator is the ChemD x Triangle Kush which is the culmination of two of the most potent sedating strains on the market.

Marshmallow OG has been named after the breeder's favourite phenotypes smelling like a freshly-opened bag of marshmallows. The Chemdog D x Triangle Kush infuses its mind-bending potency and intensely offensive aromas, whilst the Jet Fuel Gelato improves the bud structure's overall tightness and transforms it into a beautifully strong plant that will show its resilience across a great range of environments.

Marshmallow OG has proven to be a great plant in most grow styles, indoor, outdoor or greenhouse & typically finishes in 9 weeks.

Бренд:Compound Genetics
Период цветения:9 недель
Генетика:ChemD x Triangle Kush x Jet Fuel Gelato
Количество семян в упаковке
5 fem. (0)

Делаем людей счастливее. С 2011 г.

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