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Тест для определения содержания каннабиноидов (8 тестов)


Тест для определения содержания каннабиноидов (8 тестов) cannatest2
Измерение содержания каннабиноидов в сортах
Price : 137.95 EUR

Alpha-CAT MINI Kit

  • 1 alpha-CAT manual guide
  • 1 THC and 1 CBD calibration chart, standards that allow accurate % quantification
  • 2 Test plates
  • 2 Dye powder microtubes (0,06 gr), for storage in cool, dry, dark conditions
  • 1 Bottles of alpha-CAT test fluids (10 ml)
  • 8 Eppendorf tubes (1,5 ml)
  • 1 Developing jar
  • 1 Dipping tray
  • 1 Pipettes (3 ml)
  • 1 Syringe (1 ml)
  • 1 Vial with 10 capillary tubes (1 ul)
  • 4 Nitrile gloves
  • 1 Becher (25 ml)
  • 1 capillary pipette bulb

How it Works:

alpha-CAT is a Cannabinoid Analysis Tool which combines the simple analytical technique of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with specific thin-layers and developing fluid.

Thanks to this new protocol the main active ingredients of the cannabis plant parts can be visualised due to a highly specific colouring reaction which represent the cannabinoids present in the sample of cannabis or cannabis product. Alpha-CAT‘s method enables the detection and identification of six (6) of the main cannabinoids present in cannabis:

  • Cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
  • Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)
  • Cannabigerol (CBG)
  • Cannabichromene (CBC)

A minimal amount of material (0.1 gram) is needed per sample to provide a unique and effective way of analysing the cannabinoid profile in various mixtures such as plant parts of cannabis, trichome resins, oils, tinctures and edibles products (ice-creams, cookies, teas…).

alpha-CAT helps you to assess the effect of any specific strain with:

  • A THC and CBD reference chart for indication of strength and potency
  • Chemotype / cannabinoid profile which categorizes the strain
  • Chemotype-effect chart indicateing the pharmacological effect to be expected
  • A symptom-cure guide helping to determine which strain best helps to alleviate specific symptoms.
Тест для определения содержания каннабиноидов (8 тестов)
Тест для определения содержания каннабиноидов (8 тестов)

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